Do you remember it? In February 2017, the Commission on the Red Book at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation included our Caspian seal in a draft of the order on the new list of endangered species to be inscribed into the Red Book of Russia. And at the end of that year, the seal was deleted from this list with the majority of endangered species (to read more). We wrote letters to the President, Prime Minister, Patriarch 
of Moscow and all Rus’, and even to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation – just in case.

A response was received.

It turned out that all our letters, having wandered in the ‘corridors of power’, came to the very institution which we were trying to ‘complain’ about – to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. It was they who answered (to see their letter). The essence of their answer is in the following: we are trying to do something, but it is not in our competence, but in the Ministry of Agriculture. They are also trying to do something, but nothing happens.

And that is what we have decided…

Let us once again address the President of Russia – it seems that only he can solve this problem – just not by sending a letter, it does not work, but… by sending a postcard. More precisely, by thousand (or, it would be better, by a hundred thousand) postcards. In general, if you are worried about the Caspian seal, take a piece of paper and write ‘Mr. President, save Caspian seals!’ Make your selfie (more details) and send it, please, to us. We will print out all this in the form of postcards, sending them to the presidential waiting room, with our petition also (

Nataliya Shumeyko,
Kaspika Caspian Seals Conservation Agency,
Green-Board Info-recourse for Nature Conservation

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