Центр изучения и реабилитации каспийского тюленя. Фотография Сакена Дилдахмета.

Kazakhstan Caspian Seal Research and Rehabilitation Centre  will invite volunteers! Caspian Seal Research and Rehabilitation Centre, the first in the Northern Caspian, was open in Aktau on August, 06. The institution was established […]

Nataliya Shumeyko. The international expedition. The Northern Caspian, February, 2019. Photo: Dmitri Glazov.

The Caspian seal has been inscribed into the Dagestan Red Data Book! Finally, it has happened.  On April 12, the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan No. […]

Глазов Д.М., заместитель председателя Совета по морским млекопитающим.

Dramatic decline in the Caspian seal abundance. Dmitri Glazov, a marine biologist at A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Deputy Chairman of the […]

Каспийский тюлень в сетях. Фотография Баймуканова М.Т.

The Caspian seal will not be inscribed into the Russian Red Book. And not only this species. It is some slightly belated news – being on an expedition, we have missed it – […]

Тюлени монахи. Мама с детенышем.

Dear friends, we start a new project – our long-standing dream. We would like to restore the monk-seal population in the Crimea. To read more: Подробнее: http://crimean-seal.ru/. Watch it, how […]

160 Caspian seal skins. Sulak, Dagestan, Russia.

When the number of sturgeons dramatically decreases in the Caspian – and sturgeon species will be exterminated soon – poachers start hunting on Caspian seals. The local poachers have everything for this: powerful […]


In 2018 the commercial hunting on the following marine mammals are prohibited in Russia: the Caspian seal; the white whale in the Barents and Kara Seas; the bottlenose dolphin, orca, […]


In July 2016, I went to Yamal as a volunteer.  We floated in canoes on the River Shchuchya and its inflows, and monitor the success of predatory birds breeding – […]