The Yuganskiy State Natural Reserve has begun to prepare the auto expedition “Nature protected areas, from the Urals to Lake Baikal” dedicated to the centenary of Russia’s nature protected system.
As part of the rally, it is planned to visit 20 nature reserves and national parks, around 15 Siberian cities located in the Urals, in Western, Central and Eastern Siberia. We are going to start in Orenburg (where the Joint Directorate of Orenburg and Shaitan-Tau nature reserves is located), and to finish – in the village of Ust-Barguzin (where there is the administration of the Barguzinskiy State Nature Biosphere Reserve, which celebrated 100 years in 2017). The route length is about 10 thousand kilometers.
The purpose of this event is to acquaint the citizens of our country with the nature protected system of Russia, environmental problems, with a variety of geographic areas in which there are nature reserves and national parks, to draw the attention of public and authorities to the challenges of nature protected areas, to establish contacts with representatives of business.
We invite other protected areas and media to take part in this event.
To learn more about this auto expedition, please, contact the Department of Ecological Education at:
Evgeniy Syrkin
State Inspector of the Nature Reserve’s Operational Service
Nature Protected Areas, from the Urals to Lake Baikal on VK:
Nature Protected Areas, from the Urals to Lake Baikal on Facebook:
The Yuganskiy State Natural Reserve’s web-site: