We invite you to Yamal. Volunteers are needed for participating in the socio-ecological project “Artificial nests for the Yamal gyrfalcon”.

Dates: from July 1 to August 1, 2016.
The road, meals and accommodation at the expense of the organizers.
The place: the southern part of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Objectives: monitoring of the status of gyrfalcon breeding groups on the Yamal Peninsula and the implementation of practical measures for their protection. The gyrfalcon is the most rare and little-studied species of predatory birds in Russia, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and in the Red Book YaNAO. In the last two decades, the number of gyrfalcons in Russia is declining rapidly. Moreover, for many Russian regions being the nesting habitat of these birds, including Yamal, even approximate size and density of the nesting species is not known.

Our tasks:
• Identifying the number and density of the nesting gyrfalcon.
• Defining success of the gyrfalcon breeding in Yamal in comparison with data from previous years.
• Making and installing of artificial nest boxes for the gyrfalcon, and the replacement broken nests by new ones.

Requirements to participants of the project: the ability to climb trees; willingness to live in the field for several weeks – to sleep in a tent, cook a meal over a campfire, rafting on the river; not afraid of mosquitoes and midges; physical stamina and health.

Applications for participation should be sent
Eugene Rozhkovsky: fromyamal@gmail.com
with a copy for Ilgiz Gabdurahmanovu: ilgizkamilovich@gmail.com
You can ask Eugene Rozhkovsky about any additional information, calling on the phone: +7 (922) 058 43 00.




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