We invite you to participate in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference «Marine biological researches: achievements and perspectives», which is held at the Institute of Marine Biological Research named by A. O. Kovalevsky of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Sevastopol on September 19-24, 2016.
The purpose of the conference – presentation of the results of fundamental and applied researches in the field of marine biology and ecology of aquatic systems, discussion of the prospects of their practical use for the development of innovative technologies, environmental protection and management, reproduction of biological resources and aquaculture.
The conference program includes a plenary session dedicated to the history of the formation of scientific schools and trends of marine basic and applied researches, as well as sections working in the following areas:
– history of the development of marine biological researches;
– biology and ecology of aquatic organisms;
– ecological bioenergetics, biochemistry and genetics of aquatic organisms;
– biodiversity and its conservation problems;
– the functioning and productivity of aquatic ecosystems, the dynamics of ecosystems under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors;
– radiochemoecology, the problem of pollution and bioindication of water environment quality;
– rational use of natural resources, protected territories and water areas;
– marine biological resources, biotechnology and aquaculture.
The scientific and practical school for young researchers and round table “Strategy of development of fundamental and applied hydrobiological researches in the 21st century” are planed to be held during this conference.
For participate in the conference, we invite employees and post-graduate researchers of scientific institutes, higher educational institutions, as well as representatives of public authorities and local self-government, relevant ministries and agencies, business and civil society organisations interested in the practical implementation of scientific developments.
Registration of participants is carried out on the conference website until April 15, 2016: http://sbs145.imbr-ras.ru/
About requirements to content of reports and the conditions of participation, please, visit the conference website: http://sbs145.imbr-ras.ru/
Natalia Remennikova
Head of Press Service of Marine Mammal Council, Russia