Тюльпаны Большого Богдо. Богдинско-Баскунчакский заповедник, Россия. Фотография Ивана Семирикова, http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/bogdozap/66678418/1103/1103_original.jpg

The Bogdinsko-Baskunchakskiy State Nature Reserve invites the following specialists to permanent positions: a scientific researcher – you should have higher education; state inspectors and a driver – it is necessary […]


There is lack of Caspian seals photos. This proved to be a real problem. On the network, there is quite a bit of them, and, in addition, their size and […]


The Polar Lands All-Russian Forum of Eco-tourism is held on April 18-24, 2016, on Korchagi Cape, near the town of Salekhard, at the tourist complex “Yamalkan”.


We invite you to participate in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference «Marine biological researches: achievements and perspectives», which is held at the Institute of Marine Biological Research named by A. O. […]


We invite you to take part in Ladoga Skerries Project – 2016. Daily duty at the camp of Voluntary Forest Firefighters and patrol are conducted from late May to late […]