
The film about the Polesskiy Radiation Ecological Nature Reserve located in Belarus, made by I. Byshnev, G. Sysa, N. Korostylev, N. Gelin, S. Zhbankov, D. Shamovich and S. Gromyko.

Участники детской экспедиции «Родник» на экотропе «Плавницкое болото», 2015 г. Полистовский государственный природный заповедник, Россия. Фотография с сайта заповедника, http://www.polistovsky.ru/

We invite volunteers to the Polistovsky Nature Reserve located in Pskovskaya Oblast of Russia to assist our staff in organisation of ecological camps for schoolchildren.


The winter qualifying expedition of the Visherskiy Nature Protected Film School was successfully finalised! The second qualifying expedition of the Visherskiy Nature Protected Film School took place in the period […]


Dear friends, the new project of Alexey Murashov and Yana Murashova, biologists, the founders of Romashka Rehabilitation Centre, are waiting for our support.

рочище Босжира. Полуостров Мангышлак, Казахстан. Фотография Исследовательского центра «Финвал».

Finval Research Center invites specialists of different specialties, wildlife and adventure travel lovers, photographers to take part in Mangyshlak’s Riddles expedition to Western Kazakhstan.

«Кто-то приехал, кто-то уезжает, а кто-то обосновался давно и надолго. Волонтер Оля, сотрудник заповедника Татьяна, школьники Артем и Белла, директор заповедника П. В. Голяков». Государственный природный заповедник «Тигирекский», Россия, 2011 г.

The Tegirekskiy State Nature Reserve located in Altai region of Russia invites volunteers to help scientific researches in entomological study and preparation work for the inventory of small mammals.


LET US INSCRIBE THE CASPIAN SEAL INTO THE RUSSIAN RED BOOK! Dear friends, sign this petition, please. Help to save Caspian seals. The situation is catastrophic, if nothing changes, the […]