Scientific papers about killer whales, seals and other marine mammals. Marine Mammal Council has issued Marine Mammals of the Holarctic Collection of Scientific Papers after the 9th International Conference, which […]
Do you remember it? In February 2017, the Commission on the Red Book at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation included our Caspian seal in a draft of the order on […]
There is lack of Caspian seals photos. This proved to be a real problem. On the network, there is quite a bit of them, and, in addition, their size and […]
The film about the Polesskiy Radiation Ecological Nature Reserve located in Belarus, made by I. Byshnev, G. Sysa, N. Korostylev, N. Gelin, S. Zhbankov, D. Shamovich and S. Gromyko.
Dear friends, the new project of Alexey Murashov and Yana Murashova, biologists, the founders of Romashka Rehabilitation Centre, are waiting for our support.
Finval Research Center invites specialists of different specialties, wildlife and adventure travel lovers, photographers to take part in Mangyshlak’s Riddles expedition to Western Kazakhstan.